Tiff's Bored Space

Hopefully, I won't only post to here when I'm bored ^^; I'll try to keep it interesting, blah blah blah. I had a livejournal once, but it died. Hopefully this won't, too.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

E3 makes me go "Wii!"-part 1 of E3 news (edit)

As some may have heard, the Revolution has been renamed Wii. All of two people liked the name, but Nintendo was fine with it. They even joked about it at their press conference. For a while, I was skeptical about this system. The controller seemed cool, but I wasn't sure how difficult or intuitive it would be. But after today's E3 Nintendo press conference, I think I want to save up for one and at least two Wii games. I just hope this game comes out at launch:


Yes, WarioWare Wii. Controller movements starting to get dull? Actually do them! ^^ With the Wiimote, you get to slice, squat, catch all you want. This should prove to become the best party game ever, even shrouding Mario Party. Plus, can you imagine watching this game played drunk by others? You completed a microgame! Take a drink! Now squat three times! Slice! Um, you missed the oil drum...

Other Wii titles include Zelda: Twilight Princess (released at launch along with a GCN version), Metroid Prime 3 Corruption, Fire Emblem, Super Mario Galaxy (a new Mario adventure NOT related to Sunshine, yay), Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles, Disaster, Excitetruck (as in Excitebike), Project H.A.M.M.E.R., Sonic Wind Fire, many others, and an array of WiiSports games. Wii is said to have TWENTY-SEVEN playable demos tomorrow, surely dominating in the game department.

Now for The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. The GameCube version is getting completely screwed over, for the Wii version completely dominates it. Not only do you play with both the Wiimote and attachable Nunchuk, but the Wiimote has a built-in speaker. What does this mean? Absolute depth of sound. You pull out your bow. You hear it pull taut right next to you. You hear it twang as you release and actually hear the arrow go from your controller to "plunge into the chest of your enemy." Everyone was in glee at that announcement (you could actually hear the people practically w00t). The use of the nunchuk also allows you to actually pull back the bow and also allows for more realistic fishing. Iron boots only seemed good for water dungeons and weighing you down? Now they lift you up. The gameplay video featured running into the path of a giant electromagnet with the iron boots on and flying upside-down to attach to it, allowing you to reach blocked-off places. The control scheme (like we've come to see in OoT) is in the shape of the Wiimote, making it easier to find controls. Navi also allows you to see where your Wiimote is placed on the screen by flying there most times. There's also a new thrust feature. Now when you knock down an enemy, you can do a quick downward thrust with the nunchuk, and Link will thrust his sword into the enemy's chest while still fallen. All in all, TP Wii version looks glorious, easily becoming one of the Wii's must buys.

Look for downloadable E3 videos from GameSpot soon. Nintendo also has E3 sites for all its games. Extensive Nintendo DS news coming soon.
FFXIII games, and other Square-Enix news also to come, including FFCC DS! No pesky cords and GBAs. Just bring your DS and game and do LAN multiplayer.

I'm also waiting to see if Microsoft announced their very possibly stupid "handheld," which is supposedly like a slightly smaller portable computer that plays games. Don't we have something like that already? Oh yeah, it's called a laptop!


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